Please continue to provide your faithful stewardship contributions during this time. The financial stability of our church’s ministry is vital. We want to continue paying our staff and meeting our other financial obligations.

To make weekly contributions to the church, here are three ways you may do so:

• You can mail in your contribution to
St. George’s UMC
4910 Ox Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030

• You can set-up on-line giving. Go to our our Online Giving link.

• You may also drop your envelope in the SECURE MAILBOX at the church entrance.

Please buy your Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and designate St. George's United Methodist Church as your charitable donation. It doesn't affect the price of the items you purchase and it's an easy way to support your church financially!

July 2021 Financial Update

May Financial Update

Designated Gifts Policy

Office: 703-385-4550

St. George's United Methodist Church

4910 Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030
